And the Biggest Loser for week 4 is... NIKKI!
There must be some secret ingredients in those gnats and boogers Nikki was eating, because she topped this week off with a 2.46% weight
loss for week 4! I think we can all agree she's got made some interesting additions to her diet, but I can't quite figure out how Red Robin, Iceberg and Zupa's fit into the weight loss thing... Only her rumbling tummy knows.
And the Littlest Loser for week 4 is... CHERYL. :(
Cheryl clocked in last place this week with a .82%
loss, so despite the fact that she had a healthy amount of weight loss this week, Cheryl's still facing a weekly punishment of Camille's choosing.
I would like to point out that this week's Littlest Loser percentage is the highest we've had so far! What's more is that not a single competitor has had a net gain at any weigh in for dumb ways to die(t)! That's awesome! As a matter of fact, it's beginning to look like the weekly consequences of being Littlest Loser are less like punishments (like you would expect for gaining weight) and more like boosts (a little something to help you lose even more weight than you're already losing)!
So... the average Littlest Loser percentage of weight loss is increasing, and ridiculously large losses seem like they might be fading out... this means that everyone's percentages may begin leveling out. If you're at a low overall standing, take heart! There's still a chance to win-- you've just got to hang in there, stay consistent, but at the same time push yourself where you can without pushing yourself so far that you relapse. Slow and steady wins the race, but it never hurts to run faster if you can without collapsing.
Although we have set this up as a competition, we are all here to support each other and WE ARE ALL MAKING GREAT PROGRESS. Well done, team. Keep up the good work!
And good luck during week 5!
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