Tuesday, July 9, 2013

dumb ways to die(t) #14

#14 Go on a well-deserved week-long hiatus after two grueling weeks of dieting.

What a dumb way to diet. But... we all did just that. DON'T LET THAT WEEK-LONG HIATUS TURN INTO A TWO WEEK LONG ONE! True, there was no weigh in on Sunday. However, there IS a weigh in this coming Sunday, so you have only five days to get rid of all that extra weight and then some... otherwise you'll end up the Littlest Loser, and have to suffer through the Weekly Punishment of 
Running, jogging, walking, rolling or crawling TEN MILES before the 7/21 weigh in. (If you do end up losing this week and you want to substitute biking or another physical activity, a distance conversion may be required. Check in with Dale for official word.)

So throw out the cookies and lace up your sneakers! You have a competition to win!


  1. Wait - I thought the punishment this week was texting everyone what you eat when you eat it.

  2. Also, I only had a 1 day hiatus! Great results.

  3. Unfortunately, I live in a vast ocean... of desert... away from the other competitors. I was, therefore, forced to fabricate a punishment to stand in place of the one I was unaware of.

  4. Also I was never told that the Littlest Loser got to pick the punishment for the next week.
