Saturday, June 29, 2013

dumb ways to die(t) #10

#10 Protein up, gear up, hop on your mountain bike and RIDE!!!... all the way to the Beer, Candies & More store... where you gorge up, stock up, and take the bus home.

Wasting the benefits of a hard workout on extra snacks? What a dumb way to diet. With a store front as awesome and enticing as this one's, there are only two possibilities for how this really went down. 1: Bryce dieted the dumb way, and went inside the store to stock up on goods while he waited for the bus. 2: Bryce biked all the way across town to see this epic, historic monument to humanity-- an experience that changed his life and shaped his view of the future. 
Which brings us to our tip. Have a really great reason to do that hard workout you've just worked up the motivation to do, and then be sure not to blow the results on breaking even. Don't think "since I just biked a million miles, I should be able to eat that extra donut I've been wanting all week!" Instead, think "since I just biked a million miles, and if I still manage to stay in my calorie range for the day, I'll probably have lost as much weight as that 2 pound donut I've been wanting to eat all week! Right on!" and crunch into an apple instead!

(dumb way to die(t) kind of courtesy of Bryce, but he didn't really do anything dumb)  

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