Saturday, June 29, 2013

dumb ways to die(t) #11

#11 Eat well and exercise for FIVE WHOLE DAYS, and reward yourself by trying on those clothes that were too tight last week... just to find that they're still too tight.

Expecting immediate and dramatic results? What a dumb way to diet. It took time for you to get as fatty as you are... it didn't happen over the course of a single week, much less over the course of five days. So how could it be reversed that quickly? Dieting can't be a temporary, fast, and dramatic solution or it's not likely to stick. Just as your consistent, dedicated lifestyle of careless gorging slowly added chins to your face and inches to your waist, so will a consistent, dedicated lifestyle of conscious and wise diet and exercise whip those many chins into one and dissolve those inches off your overcrowded waistline... and keep it that way! But it takes time. And consistency. And dedication. Expecting immediate and dramatic results and attempting to measure them will not help with this lifestyle change.
Instead, measure other, more predictive ways that you're really changing. Here are a few examples of smarter changes to keep an eye out for:

-I recognize when I'm actually hungry (as opposed to simply bored, thirsty, or suffering from a craving attack related to my sugar addiction).
-I have more energy.
-I feel more confident about myself.
-I crave sweet things less than I used to, and less-sweet things can satisify those cravings (for example, grapes are sooooo sweet... why would I ever need to eat an entire pack of Oreos?).
-Choosing healthful snacks and meals is becoming a habit for me, as opposed to an internal struggle equivalent to putting Edyn and Alta to bed.
-I'm excited to try new healthful foods or recipes, or to learn more about health, nutrition, and exercise, and I love the activities I choose to do for exercise (or I love finding new, fun things to do for exercise).

Notice how these more telling changes have more to do with your mindset than the way your body looks? Interesting...

(dumb way to die(t) courtesy of Camille) 

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